Kamloops Search and Rescue

Kamloops Search and Rescue volunteer members are all ages and from all walks of life. They share a common interest in providing important life-saving services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All team members are skilled in ground searches and are trained in the use of snowmobiles and UTVs. Interested individuals can also receive further training in rope, swift water, ice rescue, and other specialized disciplines. Strong community support, at many levels, allows us to provide this essential service.

KSAR is called out by the Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) to assist the RCMP, BC Emergency Health Services, and BC Coroners Office as well as providing alerts and evacuation assistance during events such as wildfires or floods for civic and municipal governments.

Current members
Number of tasks last year
Hours on task last year
Total volunteer hours

Media and News

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Social Media

8.00 KSAR is called out to search for a missing kayaker in the Thompson River (DG) ... See MoreSee Less

8.00 KSAR is called out to search for a missing kayaker in the Thompson River (DG)

KSAR has been tasked out today to continue the search for the man who was swept away in the North Thompson River on July 12. If you see KSAR searchers in or around the river today, please give us space to work, and If possible avoid the area.
Thank you (DG)
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KSAR has been tasked out today to continue the search for the man who was swept away in the North Thompson River on July 12. If you see KSAR searchers in or around the river today, please give us space to work, and If possible avoid the area. 
Thank you (DG)

KSAR was called out for two back-to-back tasks yesterday.
🔴Just after 16.00 a request came in for Rope Team Leaders to support Nicola Valley Search and Rescue to rescue a missing elderly male that had fallen down an embankment at Spius Creek. Subject had been missing for several days and had a broken hip and back injuries. Medevac was able to land on a sandbar in the river and he was transported. When the team was on the way back another call came in.
🔴Around 20.00 KSAR was tasked as mutual aid to support Nicola Valley Search and Rescue with an ATV rollover north of Nicola Lake. KSAR members assisted Nicola Valley Search and Rescue with the injured ATVers. They were handed off to BCEHS. (DG)
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KSAR was called out for two back-to-back tasks yesterday.
🔴Just after 16.00 a request came in for Rope Team Leaders to support Nicola Valley Search and Rescue to rescue a missing elderly male that had fallen down an embankment at Spius Creek. Subject had been missing for several days and had a broken hip and back injuries. Medevac was able to land on a sandbar in the river and he was transported. When the team was on the way back another call came in. 
🔴Around 20.00 KSAR was tasked as mutual aid to support Nicola Valley Search and Rescue with an ATV rollover north of Nicola Lake. KSAR members assisted Nicola Valley Search and Rescue  with the injured ATVers. They were handed off to BCEHS.  (DG)

👩‍🚒Big thanks to Shuswap Search and Rescue and Nicola Valley Search and Rescue for joining us for Rope tech 2 training last weekend 🪢
Great effort by everyone! 👊🏼(DG)
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👩‍🚒Big thanks to Shuswap Search and Rescue and Nicola Valley Search and Rescue for joining us for Rope tech 2 training last weekend 🪢
Great effort by everyone! 👊🏼(DG)Image attachment

UPDATE: 03.30 stand down. Person located safe and sound.
01.30am KSAR is tasked out by RCMP to assist in the search of a missing person that went into the river near Pritchard (DG)
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UPDATE: 03.30 stand down. Person located safe and sound.
01.30am KSAR is tasked out by RCMP to assist in the search of a missing person that went into the river near Pritchard (DG)
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